Andreas Altfreder
born 1963
married, 2 daughters
In our modern (high) performance society, we are constantly under great pressure. We believe that we have to fulfil the expectations of our social environment with regard to our various roles (parent, partner, friend, employee, boss, provider, protector, etc. (f/m/d)) always and
everywhere and thus disregard our resources and our own needs.
Particularly through the men's work I practise (archetype work), but also through working with the child within me, I have learnt (and am learning anew every day) to pay maximum attention to my own needs when performing my roles. I have realised that if I don't pay attention to these needs, serious problems will arise.
In my own life, both privately and professionally, I have gone through many ups and downs and have not only celebrated successes but also experienced defeats. Illness, loss and grief, fears, inner struggles, addictive behaviour and mental exhaustion (burn-out) - I have experienced all of this first-hand and gained important insights from it.
With the help of valuable people, I have learnt to recognise these experiences as necessary developmental steps in my life and to grow from them in processes that were not always painless.
My regular yoga practice helps me to ground myself, meditation gives me inner peace and strength. The forest and nature are the power banks for my batteries.
Therefore, working with me means that you will have someone at your side who knows your situation from their own experience and not just from textbooks and seminars. Let me also become a valuable and trustworthy companion for you, who will support you on your path and help you to overcome difficult situations and look positively into the future with self-respect.
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